Monday, November 1, 2010

Mata Sahib Kaur Ji

                 Mata Sahib Kaur Ji : Eternal Motherhood of Khalsa Panth.
In Sikh history Mata Sahib Kaur Ji is known as the Mother of the Khalsa. This honour was bestowed upon her by the Tenth Nanak, Guru Gobind Singh Sahib.

Mata Sahib Kaur Ji, whose name before taking Amrit was Mata Sahib Devaan Ji, was born on the 1st November 1681 ( 18th Katak samvat 1738 bikrami) in a village called Rohtas, District Jhelum, in West Punjab, (now in Pakistan). Her mother’s name was Mata Jasdevi Ji and father’s name was Bhai Ramu Bassi Ji. Her brother’s name was Saheb Chand Ji. Her father, who was an ardent sewak (devotee) of Guru Gobind Singh Sahib, influenced her to the extent that she wanted to devote her whole life in the service of the Guru Sahib. 
From her childhood, Mata Sahib Kaur Ji was a sweet and quiet natured girl. Because of the religious atmosphere at home, she was deeply influenced by Gurbani during her formative years. (It is possible that in her childhood she might have seen Guru Gobind Singh Sahib at Sri Anandpur Sahib during the visit of her family.) She had inherited humility, love and sacrifice to humanity and devotion to Waheguru.

When she came of age, her father and other devotees of village Rohtas, took her to Sri Anandpur Sahib and requested Guru Gobind Singh Sahib to take her as his bride. Guru Sahib told the Sangat that he was already married and could not marry again. However, Mata Sahib Devaan Ji's father had pledged his daughter to Guru Sahib and no-one else would marry her now. Therefore, Guru Sahib said if Mata Sahib Devaan ji agreed to be as “Kunwara Dola”, she could stay with the Guru's family, however, they could not marry or ever have children.
Guru Sahib instead promised Mata Sahib Devaan Ji, that you will become a great Mother to thousands. Mata Sahib Kaur Ji lived in the Guru Sahib's household and served Guru Sahib and the Sangat with full sharda (devotion).
Mata Sahib Kaur Ji accompanied Guru Sahib throughout his life, even during battles, serving him in every possible way. 

On Vaisakhi 1699 ( Bikrami samant 1756), in the first Amrit-Sanchar, Mata Sahib Kaur Ji participated in the sewa of the Amrit-Sanchaar by adding Pataasey (sugar wafers) to the Amrit, and was bestowed the honour of Eternal Motherhood of Khalsa Panth.

When Guru Gobind Singh Sahib reached Abchal Nagar (Sri Hazoor Sahib), he sent Mata Sahib Kaur Ji to Delhi and stay along with Mata Sundri Ji. Guru Sahib also gave her five weapons ( Talwaar, Khanjaar, Jamdhaar, &  Khandi- 2) of the Sixth Nanak, Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji, for safekeeping. These weapons are today displayed at Gurdwara Rakabganj in Delhi. Mata Sahib Kaur Ji, passed away before Mata Sundri Ji. She left for heavenly abode at the age of sixty six in 1747 ( Bikrami samvat 1804) and her last rites were performed in Bala Sahib, Delhi.

Bhulan Chukan Di Khima Karni Ji 
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa !!
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh !!

** Eh sara data net to search karke add kita gaya hai, kise sadh sangat de informative matter nu copy nahi kita gaya...

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